Monday, December 21, 2009

A Tradition of Service

As many of us are looking for gift ideas this week, I thought I would share one that I started a few years ago. It's one of service to those you love. It doesn't cost any money, just time.

For example, my brother really needs help cleaning his room so he can paint it. I made him a "gift card" that entitles him to all the help he needs in cleaning his bedroom. My dad is working endlessly (it seems) to clean the garage. I made him one that promises an entire weekend worth of help in the garage. For my grandfather, help fixing the ditch. My grandmother, a day of cleaning and organizing. My mom, a meal.

These ideas aren't hard to come up with. In most cases, you already know where a loved one needs an extra set of hands. For Christmas, make it official that you're willing to help. And then let them cash it in and just show up! It's no money but is a great present.

Here are a few examples of my "gift cards" and how I made them.

To start, I used my computer to print off the text of the card. I could have handwritten it, but to be more uniform (and faster), I used a computer.

Then I cut them out and decorated them with scrapbook paper, ribbon, yarn and anything else I had on hand.

Share your traditions and see others at the Do-It-Yourself Dare to Have Traditions party over at Newly Woodwards.

Dare to DIY


  1. I love this idea. I'm sure my husband would love one that would give him a weekend (or an afternoon) of helping organize the garage. It's really the least I can do, most of the junk is mine. =)

  2. I love the idea of a gift card. My mom would love one for help ironing or taking the dog out for walks in the early AM. This idea could translate to birthdays, valentines, and mothers/fathers day.

    I love that you made your own card too!

  3. Those are wonderful, thoughtful and practical gifts.

    Happy Christmas from N Ireland.

  4. Love this!!! Perfect! We do the same!
    Merry Christmas!


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative