Thursday, January 28, 2010

Color Your Own Flowers

This is such a fun project, especially for kids -- or the young at heart who still love "magic" things... like me. You can color your own flowers!

What You'll Need
White flowers (Carnations and daisies work well.)
Food Coloring

What You'll Do
Step 1: Cut the flowers to fit the vase. You'll want to cut off at least 2 inches so the flower can really drink up the water.

Step 2: Fill the vases with water and drop in food coloring, about 10 drops for a medium-size vase. If you want to mix colors to make another, do equal parts of each color. Stir with a flower stem or long straw to help mix the color.

Step 3: Place flowers in the vases and wait!

In a few hours, your flowers will start coloring themselves.

After 12 hours...

And after two days...

The longer you leave them in, the darker they get. It's so easy, so lovely, and so fun!

Get your craft on Thurs.



  1. I don't think there's anything you can't do!!!

  2. Now that is totally fun! I love this idea! Thanks for linking up today!

  3. What a neat idea...thanks soooo much for sharing it! Hope you have a FUN weekend:)


  4. What a great idea! Didn't know that!!!

    Thanks for joining my party Get your craft on Thurs. I hope you join me next week. Mr. Linky disappeared for a while tonight I thought I lost all of my guest, but it finally came back. I will not be using Mr. Linky anymore!

  5. That is awesome! I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing with us!

  6. I used to do this as a child but forgot about it. My kids will love it! Thanks for the idea

  7. Oh, that is so cool! I've heard about that, but never knew how to do it! Your flowers are gorgeous!


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative