Monday, January 18, 2010

Craft Closet Valentine's

In an effort to make massive quantities of Valentine's Day projects while spending as little as possible, I set off into my craft closet (full disclosure: I live in a 2-bedroom apartment, so it's more like a craft corner) and came out with the following... white paper and paint.

Okay, a good start. But we can do better than that. And that's when the I ♥ You card was born!

What You'll Need
White paper
A piece of cardboard (I used a cereal box.)
Red or pink paint
A toothbrush (I used an old one.)
Paper clips (You'll notice from my picture I had to use pens. Resources were limited.)

What You'll Do
Step 1: Fold the cardboard in half, and on one side trace a ♥ (heart) in your cardboard. Cut out the heart. I used a cookie cutter to trace, but you can do it however is easiest for you.

Step 2: Fold the piece of paper in half and place it in the fold of the cardboard, centering the opening of the heart on the card's front.

Step 3: Load the toothbrush with paint. Holding the toothbrush close to the paper, run your thumb back and forth along the bristles to splatter paint on the paper. You can splatter as little or as much paint as you like. If you'd like to do two colors, be sure you let the first color dry before splattering a second.

Step 4: Let the paint dry, and remove the card from the cardboard. Decorate! I just used markers to make a simple I ♥ You.

See where I'm showing off this post:

The Girl Creative


Sumo's Sweet Stuff


  1. Ok, you are so funny with the pens! lol That is something I would do. :) Very cute. Thanks for linking!

  2. Okay, i'm really out to lunch! I thought I got here from your link to my Linky Party today but I actually came from my blog list. lol So, you'll just have to link up so I don't look like a total jerk! LOL :)

  3. This is an EXCELLENT project for the kids too! Thank you so much for the tutorial!

  4. How cute!!! I was making something tonight and totally messed it up, so I had to put everything down, so i decided to blog... why not...

  5. fun fun fun idea! My kids would love to make some of those! Thanks for sharing and for linking back! -Tiff


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative