Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our Snowy Weekend - A Bit Late

So this was our Valentine's weekend (a bit late). My friend Ross and I found ourselves trying to drive 100 miles to our hometown in the snow and ice. It might be no biggie for our northern neighbors, but in case you haven't heard, snow shuts us southern folk down.

But we lived! And of course... took pictures. :)

Heels in ice and snow? Of course!

1 comment:

  1. LOL... I love it!! I can laugh now knowing you guys were safe!!
    Us northeners are getting a blizzard tomorrow!!
    We all stocked up on bread and milk and eggs!!!

    Now... you have to stop posting snow pics ... in a few weeks you will have tulips!!

    Thanks for the chuckle today !
    Many Blessings



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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative