Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Penny Pasta

This dish is called "Penny Pasta" because this whole dish is under $5 -- and two of the items were once a penny item at Publix. I do a good job at getting the penny item each week, but not such a good job at figuring out how to use it.

If I can say so myself, this was so yummy! So fresh and yummy. It'll be even better in the summer when I can substitute or supplement the zucchini for other yummy veggies like squash and eggplant (and for a lot less $$$).

8 ounces pasta (any kind; I used a combination of penne and farfalle because I had a little of both.)
4 teaspoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 shallots (or 1 medium onion), sliced thin
2 medium zucchini, sliced into 1/4-inch slices
2 cans (14 1/4 ounces) Italian-style diced tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
freshly grated Parmesan cheese

What You'll Do
- Cook the pasta according to package directions. When it's finished, drain the pasta. Add 2 teaspoons olive oil, stir throughout, and keep the pasta warm.

- Heat remaining 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini, shallot, and garlic to pan. Increase heat slightly. Saute until lightly browned. Once browned, remove vegetables from skillet and cover up to keep warm.

- In the same skillet (so as not to make a huge mess), add tomatoes, salt, and pepper. Cook on medium-high heat until it's thickened (about 13 minutes). Stir in vegetables. Serve tomato-zucchini mixture over pasta. Sprinkle with cheese if you wish.



  1. Looks really yummy! I left something for you on my blog :)


  2. Looks and sounds so delicious!
    Great recipe!
    Thanks for becoming a follower on Cut And Dry. So, I had the chance to visit your amazing blog!!
    I'm your newest follower!

  3. Simple, tasty, thrifty and good for you. Perfect.

  4. Kim~ I'm so making this for dinner tonight. Fortunately I have all the ingredients on hand. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

    Sweet wishes,

  5. this looks so darn good!
    Loving your blog and I'm putting a link to it on the sidebar of my blog! :)


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative