Monday, March 15, 2010

Miami - Better late than never

First, my apologies. I had a busy weekend and forgot to post these pictures on Friday.

But here they are!! I was attending the American Academy of Dermatology's Annual Meeting in Miami Beach. I'm not a dermatologist or a resident; I am, in fact, a member of the press, so my attendance there was only to get information for future issues of the magazine and enjoy all the fun classes. They were long, 8-6 days, but to do it while in Miami Beach - totally worth it!

We stayed at the Loews Miami Beach. Let me just say - the best part of the trip by far! The staff were just unbelievably nice. The room and bed were incredible. The restaurants were delicious. I couldn't stay out of the ice cream shoppe. It was in the middle of everything in Miami Beach, so I could walk to some of the yummiest taco places for dinner. Totally recommend any and all Loews hotels if you're ever traveling where there is one. I see they're opening one in Atlanta this year. I might have to make an excuse to stay there.

On Monday, instead of working a whole day, I took some time to go to the Elemis Spa which is on the grounds at Loews Miami Beach. I got a pedicure and relaxed in their steam room and calming lounge. I could totally do that every day.

It wasn't the break from freezing temps I was hoping for. Well, it was warm in the sun but chilly in the shade, so I never ventured into the water - pool or ocean. But still, it was a welcomed change.

So here are some pictures - and soon, back to some more fun crafts and projects!



  1. I'm jealous too! meanwhile, i was here slaving away :P You just wait until my Wisconsin trip! haha.

    it's so so pretty! such blue skies. i loove your room. So beachy and spa like. And that headboard just got put on my to-do list.

  2. Oh I love Miami and I love that hotel!! Looks like fun even though it was a business trip!

  3. Umm, so jealous! Glad you had a good time!

  4. Looks like a fun trip, at least you got to see some sun and sand!


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative