Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Furniture Update

This chest of drawers followed me through post-college internships into my new apartment about a year ago. Sometime a few decades back, my grandfather painted it yellow-green and antiqued it with gold. What was once very beautiful and trendy (I'm sure) was a little too retro, even for me. So for the new apartment, it got some new hardware and a coat of black satin paint.

Minus the fear I was sanding off lead paint (straight into my lungs), it was an easy process.

And the best part - if you're totally digging on the old handles - I found those exact ones at Home Depot. STILL.


  1. I love it! One day I'm gonna do something crafty like that!

  2. Kimberly,
    Great makeover...looks great!


  3. Very pretty!! I had to laugh about the handles.

  4. that looks great!!! Great job!
    Loved the old retro color too lol


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative