Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cupcake Carnival: Cupcake Party Invite

Have you signed up for the Icing Designs Giveaway yet??? Do so now! Click here.

So did seeing the Cupcake Party pics spur thoughts of "I'm so doing that, too!"??

Just in case it did, here's a free printable invitation you can use for your party!

You can click on the picture or download it from Sribd here.

And if you throw a cupcake soirée, please, let me know! I'd love to see what you all do.


See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting Attempting Creative! I loooove comments. Love. They make me feel good. :)

-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative