Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cupcake Carnival: Misty from Creative Itch

I've recently been introduced to cupcakes in a jar, which is why I won't be lying when I say I giggled like a little girl when Misty at Creative Itch sent this post. I know you're going to think it's great too! Kimberly


I'm one of those Moms that {Loves} to make special treats for my kids. Especially when they've done something to deserve doing their chores all week without complaining!
So to reward them for a job well done, I decided to make some "Cupcakes in a Jar". Cute, right?!

To make these, you'll need:

*Your favorite cake batter (tip: if you use cake mixes like me, try adding 1 c. sour cream to the batter. Makes it even better!).

*Mason jars (I used pint and 1/2 pint).

1). Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
2). Grease and flour the mason jars.
3). Fill jars 1/2 full with cake batter, and put jars on a cookie sheet.
4). Bake for about 20 minutes.
5). Let cupcakes cool completely (careful when taking these out of the oven....the jars are HOT!).

This is what mine looked like when they came out of the oven. The ones in the pint jars look a little funky, but don't worry.....the frosting will cover it up!

Once your cupcakes have cooled off, decorate with your favorite frosting and sprinkles!!

Hopefully getting these fun 'cupcakes in a jar' will keep my kids motivated to do their chores. I'll keep my fingers crossed on that one!

**Thanks for letting me be a part of the Cupcake Carnival, Kimberly!! I had a blast, and am looking forward to seeing all of the fun 'cupcake' ideas shared!


  1. That's a really unique idea. I enjoy canning so I have several mason jars. Thanks for posting that.

  2. Cute idea Misty!! U r so creative!! :)

  3. How fun! Great idea! I would be so excited if I got one of these! :)

  4. Fabulous idea, Misty!! I am going to try this one out for sure!

  5. Those are so fun - I am going to have to try that!



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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative