Monday, August 30, 2010

It's Time for Football!!

Do you feel it in the air yet? Can you taste it?

It's time for football!!!

To say I'm excited is an understatement. I'm pumped. Ecstatic. Blissful. Jubilant.

This week, I'll be sharing a few football-related things - a seat cover, some art, maybe a recipe.

First up - some pillows! Remember the sketches I shared last week? Well, here they are!

What do you think? Totally football, right? I can't wait to share everything else. It's going to be a great week!

See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.


  1. I love these!! Please share how you did them, I HAVE to have these!! Great Job!

  2. I agree - would love a tutorial! We love football here, too :) Super cute pillows!

  3. I am all about the basketball. I have never gotten into football. I do like the idea of getting a group of folks together and eating and visiting over any sporting event though.

  4. Oh I love these. We love football in this house! I am going to feature these on Friday on my Feature Friday Strictly Homemade section! So cute!

  5. I love these, they are too cute! I'm having a football themed link up craft party and would love for you to link these up!

  6. I have a four year old that would LOVE those pillows. What fun designs!


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative