Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Let's Do the Salsa!

I'm bad at hostess gifts. Really bad. I usually give a bottle of wine when I go to someone's house for dinner or a party or get-together. But then they ask, "Oh is this one of your favorites?" I lie and say, "Yep! I absolutely love the fruit notes in this one."

I don't know what fruit notes are.

I don't know if fruit notes even exist.

So for a friend's pool party recently, I decided to up my game. Be a better gift giver. Skip the token bottle of wine... for a jar of salsa!

Restaurant-style salsa, partner.

The good stuff.

No big chunks, lots of flavor, and a little kick of heat.

Yum yum goodness! And, she can save it for later or serve it up at the party as another side dish. (Just be sure to bring a bag of chips too.)

Clearly, we didn't wait.

And you can get your very own salsa logos here or here! The circles are about 2 inches, so you can use a 2-inch punch for a solid-red button, or use a slightly larger scalloped one to get a look like mine.

I wouldn't leave you without the recipe, would I?

Restaurant-Style Salsa
Adapted from The Pioneer Woman

1 can (28 ounces) Whole Tomatoes With Juice -- I used diced because that's what I had on hand. It turned out fine.
2 cans (10 ounces) Rotel - diced tomatoes and green chiles -- This comes in original or mild. Original packs a little extra heat, but not much.
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 cup cilantro
juice from half a lime
1 whole jalapeno , quartered and sliced thin -- Use the whole jalapeno if you like some heat, half if you're weak a fan of milder heat.

Combine tomatoes, Rotel, onion, garlic, sugar, salt, cumin, cilantro, lime juice, and as much as you want of the jalapeno in a food processor. Pulse several times (for me it was about 10 times because my diced tomatoes were small than whole) until you get the sale the consistency you prefer. Taste and season accordingly; want more heat? More cumin or jalapeno.

Then refrigerate for about an hour to let all the good flavors mix and mingle. Enjoy with tortilla chips.

See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.


  1. That's a GREAT idea!


  2. Looks delicious! Thanks for the labels. I was thinking of canning some salsa this year so the labels will be perfect for gifts!

  3. It looks delicious!! And I love your honesty about the wine giving, I'm the same way. I laughed out loud!!

  4. oh I love this idea! Great job!
    I would love for someone to bring me that gift! lol

  5. I do this exact same thing and can the salsa too. I'm getting ready to host a "Canning Week Blog Party" Aug. 23-27th. I hope you will stop by as we will be having a linky party as well as recipes, tips and give-a-ways. It should be a lot of fun!!!

  6. I would have never thought to do this, but it's a totally unique idea. Thanks!

  7. One word....YUM!! This looks delish! and I love the printables! Be sure to link up at my party/giveaway every Friday at FrouFrouDecor! Hope to see you there!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~

  8. I love gifts like this!! Love the labels and Cant wait to try the salsa recipe!! Super Cute!!

  9. Cute tags ~ thanks for sharing! Can't wait to try your recipe too :)

  10. I love the labels and the hubby loves the salsa so there you have it! Great post and yummy recipe! Anne


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative