Friday, September 10, 2010

Itching for Halloween

All of you nifty crafters are already getting Halloween crafts up. You're stressing me out!!!

Halloween stuff will start soon enough for me. But for now, I have to apologize.

I've been a bad blog friend. I'm waaay behind on my blog reading and following up on comments. My Google reader has been at 1000+ for like two weeks. I'm sooo far behind.

But - here's my promise to you. I will catch up with everything this weekend. I'll read all your comments and blogs. I'll leave you lots of comment love, too.

I just have this one favor to ask of you.

Tell me something I should make for Halloween.

See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.


  1. I think you should make me a fall burlap pennant.
    I really want one! ; )

  2. OH I have done a few posts of some really cool halloween projects that I have found through blog world... come check out Feature My Favorites Friday and take a look at week one... some are in week two... but really some AMAZING ideas... I am wanting fall wreath super bad... maybe this weekend... it is still too hot here to feel like fall!


Thank you for visiting Attempting Creative! I loooove comments. Love. They make me feel good. :)

-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative