Tuesday, September 28, 2010

While I was Halloween-ing...

I did another sewing project. This is a Bible cover/tote. I know, I know. More sewing. But September is National Sewing Month, so that makes it cool, right?

Besides, I found this fabric while I was digging up fun Halloween fabric, and I just fell in love. It's delicious, and I wish I had like 50 yards of it to make over-night bags and garment bags and all kinds of fun things.

Meanwhile, I really am working on Halloween projects. In fact, my first one will be Thursday! And my second one will be Friday! (I'll have a tutorial for this tomorrow.)


See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.


  1. Very nice. I am hoping to attempt a fabric cover for my boring Kindle cover. I love the handle, maybe I should add one of those...

  2. That is pretty fabric. Maybe I should do something like that for my Bible.


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative