Monday, October 12, 2009

Home Improvement Help

As I'm getting ready to host my birthday party next weekend, I've decided it's time to tackle some small projects around my apartment. Yes, the same projects I've been putting off since I moved in April.

To do list:
- hang mirror [don't break mirror or injure roommate]
- sand and stain rocking chairs
- refinish chair cover on dresser bench
- sand and paint bedside tables
- rally all magazines [and organize without getting distracted]

That last one is easier said than done. I admit it: I'm addicted to magazines. I love the smell of the ink, the feeling of the paper as I flip the pages. Blame it on my job! I work for a large publishing company, and magazines are everywhere. Some of my co-workers are the most creative, inspiring people. They literally create what you're trying to duplicate in your own homes!

My new fascination: Lonny magazine. It's a brand-spanking-new online magazine, and for now, it's filling the void in my heart left by the shuttering of Blueprint and other shelter mags.


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