Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Retro Fabric on the Cheap

As I'm getting ready to recover my bench seat, I'm looking for some retro material, something fun to brighten up that spot in my room. However, if you search "vintage material," you'll likely find old material (some even from the 1920s) that are upwards of $50/yard. Not in my budget, and often not my style.

I did dig up one great web site... TonicLiving.com.

They have great material and have already even made pillows out of some of their more popular fabrics. My favorites: a 22" x 22" pillow in "Water Light Blue & Denim" is only $34.95! Even better--Just to make sure you like the fabric, you can buy a swatch of the fabric for only $1. Perfect for making sure my colors match!

But back to the material...
-My top 3 for the bench recover-
Illusion, Sadle

Tonal Doozie, Leaf

Garden Trellis, Moss
[this one comes in several colors with the same pattern]

1 comment:

  1. I love the tonal doozie/leaf! Unfortunately fabric and pillows aren't anywhere near my budget, no matter how cheap.

    Which did you choose?


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