Friday, February 12, 2010

Curl Up With A Good Movie

All in all, I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day. Restaurants are packed; I feel bad for the flowers deemed not worthy of someone's sweetheart; someone will cry and say they aren't meant to be loved; and cheesy "you're the love of my life" cards send me into hysterical laughter. (I'm cynical. Surprise!)

But what do I really love? Cheesy love comedies. And what movies might that include? Well, I'm glad you asked.

Here's my prescription for the perfect Valentine's movie fix.

The Holiday


Knotting Hill


Bridget Jones's Diary (One can only handle so much Hugh Grant.)


Sweet Home Alabama (Because home is Alabama, and that's sweet!)


A good dose of reality with The Break-up


The best Valentine's a girl could ever ask for.


  1. That is a GREAT selection of movies. I would only alter one word of your post. AND. As in, Notting Hill AND Bridgette Jones' Diary. I can HANDLE that much Hugh Grant. ;)

    Happy Friday!

  2. aah, i agree wholeheartedly. [haha, heart. pun.]

    The Boyfriend and i DO NOT go out [we did breakfast at iHOp...], we cook a nice dinner, rent a movie [this year we re-watched transformers for the billionth time], and other than a trip to the liquor store, we stay in. dressed in sweats. um, and all this is done by candlelight.

    it is romantic, it is CHEAP, but it is the best valentines ever.

    oh, and movies you should add: i still love the wedding planner [jlo's best outfits...] and i'm office obsessed, so any jim and pam moments on netflix would always get my votes.


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative