Thursday, February 11, 2010

DIY Valentine's Day Brownie Bags

Can I tell you I am so far behind in reading blogs and catching up with what you all are doing I might never dig out??? I guess that's what this weekend is for. So pardon my lack of commenting. I haven't been a very good blogger buddy lately! I will do better. Promise - ♥ Kimberly :)


I am so in ♥ with these V-day goodie bags from one of my favorite creative blogs, Twig & Thistle. (Actually, let me rephrase that. She's an amazing, knock-your-socks off graphic designer who I may or may not have a massive blogger crush on.) And guess what? You can print these and use them for your Valentine's Day treats. For free!

See the great posts here and here.

Then download the bags and print them - here and here.

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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative