Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Help Me Glister My Eater Eggs!

I should explain the post title. When I was glittering my Easter eggs, I had to beg my brother to help--He never did--and while I was repeating the plea, it started coming out, "Help me glister my eater eggs!!!" Haha!

So here's what we were glistering...

An Easter centerpiece! More on the table setting later.

I found paper mache eggs at Hobby Lobby 30% off, so I got 24 for about $3. I had plenty of craft paint, and I had purchased the 24-pack of Martha Stewart glitters a few weeks back with a 40% off coupon.

I put a few layers of paint on the eggs. You could skip this step, but as I found out, the egg may show through the glitter. So if you paint it, it's prettier than the brown.

After the eggs dried overnight, I put on a thin layer of white glue, nothing fancy. I sprinkled glitter that sorta, kinda matched the paint into a plastic cup and rolled it around to cover the whole egg. Then shook off the extra.

Then just glitter all the eggs.

I hot-glued fishing line to the top to hang the eggs, and then my roommate and I decorated the Easter twigs -- some fake bud sprigs I got at Hobby Lobby about a year ago during a clearance.

Tomorrow - the whole table!

I'm linking up to some great blog parties. Check out where on the right side of the site.


  1. that is gorgeous! Seriously gorgeous! I love it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautiful... which my table was that pretty!

  4. Just beautiful! I love the Glitter! Blessings, Vicky

  5. Very pretty!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another wonderful party!!

    Please stop by next week I am having guest over each day and I would love for you to tell them HI!


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative