Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hoppy Easter Banner

I should first apologize for the quality of these pictures. I made this banner late last night and just snapped a few photos with my phone this morning. So they're not the greatest. I'll try to get some better ones tonight. Also, let's make a pact right now to ignore messy countertops. I'll ignore any you might ever post if you ignore mine. :) (And thank you!)

It's a Cricut project, of course. I used Designer's Calendar for the scalloped-edge rectangles and regular rectangles, as well as the Easter egg that is between the words "Hoppy" and "Easter." [I tried to take a picture of the detail on the egg, but my phone wouldn't upload it to my computer. (Problems, problems.)]

I used Cuttin' Up in the Serif feature for the letters. And I just free-handed the Peeps-style bunnies. (I got the idea for those from Made. Her banner is too cute for words. I mean, I'm speechless.)

What other fun Easter banners have you seen lately?

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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative