Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Computer Has Gone to That Bright Blue Place in the Sky

My computer took its last breath this morning, and with it, it took all the pictures and information of all the projects I've been planning to share with you guys.

So grant me a few days to piece it all back together, take what pictures I possibly can, cry a little and get my act together.

Until then, I'll be scouring the pages of these Intertubes looking for fun things other people are doing so I can share those - since I can't share my own projects.


Keep calm and carry on. :)


  1. Oh no! So sorry Kimberly. I would cry too.

  2. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry for you. I love all of your posts so I hope you are back up soon!

  3. Those darn electronics! LOL When mine went on the blink, I paniced! Hope you get going soon!

  4. Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that!!! Hope you are up and running asap!

  5. it seems to be an epidemic I have heard this alot lately

  6. oh no - i hope you can salvage your projects! think positive!

  7. Hi Kimberly! You just happen to be #6 on my6 Degrees Of Seperation Tour! Glad I stopped by, Love Your Stuff! Come by sometime!

  8. stopping by from 6 degrees of blogging!! cute stuff you have going on!!



Thank you for visiting Attempting Creative! I loooove comments. Love. They make me feel good. :)

-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative