Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June's Jams

Now that I am finally back to a routine after having shipped What the Yuck?! for printing (by the way - yay!!!), I have a long list of things that were completely neglected for the past few months. And I am so ready to get caught up! June, you underestimate me.

Here's what's on my To Do List for this month - my June Jams if you will.

Things for Kimberly:
Read a book
Watch two new movies
Attend a baseball game
Plan a weekend trip to somewhere fun

Finish roommate's birthday present
Make housewarming present for friend
Make a summer wreath
Sew something
Paint some art

Make signs for herbs

Try a new recipe
Eat a vegetable I've never had before

Organize laundry room
Organize pantry
Set up desk
Decorate dining room table

Try a new restaurant
Attend farmer's market every other weekend
Attend a Birmingham Barons game

Go home for Father's Day
Take little brother to a college for a visit
Research adopting a kitty

What goals do you have for June?


  1. I love your list! Great goals, June will be astounded ;)

  2. My goals are a bit more mundane: make sure kids complete all homework before the end of school, make sure teachers gift is all set, help oldest son be ready for is piano recital, plan an awesome father's day for hubby and make sure I don't forget my own father, make a strawberry cake for the strawberry festival we are going to at the end of the month. (OK, so some of them are really fun). Clean, clean, and clean. (With a family of 5 this is most of what I do :)

  3. very ambitious!

    Just stopping by to let you know I gave you an award on my blog!


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative