Thursday, August 5, 2010

I love. love. paper.

Remember how I told you I loved magazines? and cupcakes? Okay, I reeeeallly love paper. Like really.

Like if I could live off paper alone, I'd do it.


And I'm serious about my paper. I own just about every Post-It pack they've ever made. I have probably 20 journals - blank - because I just haven't used them yet. I can't stop buying stationery. Personalized, not personalized. Flowers, no flowers. Stripes, no stripes.

You get the point.

Now I'll give you the pictures...

Paper SourcePaper Source

Snow & GrahamSnow & Graham

Raven and LambOrange Twist

Michelle BrusegaardScout Books

Night Owl Paper Goodswinifred Studios

Delicious! And now I'm craving more paper.

What do you crave?

See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.


  1. I also am a paper addict...but mine is scrapbook paper. I have so much that I will never ever use it all, but that doesn't stop me from visiting all my fav craft/scrapbook stores and getting more:-)

  2. I also have a total paper problem. I spend more time in the card aisle than anywhere else in Target! That's partly why I started up the Dear Darlings penpal project -- to put that stuff to use!


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative