Monday, August 2, 2010

My Magazine Addiction

There are two things I can't get enough of: magazines and peanut butter cups.

Okay and fabric, paper and craft supplies.

And cupcakes, anything Martha Stewart and paper.

Did I say paper yet?


In my effort to clean and de-magazine my apartment (S Thomas - expect a truck load stack of magazines next time I come your way), I'm sorting through my years of magazine.

Well, at least the ones I have here. I have many (many) more at my parents' house and my uncle's house. (Note to other pack rats: It looks less pack-ratty if you spread out your things over multiple homes. If you have that luxury. Then you have a little more time before you have to admit your problems.)

Here are just a few pictures from my purge...

No. Seriously. That makes it look okay. It's baaadd.

But this is why... I can't live without these crafty/foodie magazines. (And all the celebrity ones I'm not openly admitting to. Yet.)

All YouCooking Light

Woman's DayFood Network Magazine

Martha Stewart LivingMixing Bowl

What magazine(s) can you not live without?

See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.


  1. Being still a teen, I cannot live without American Girl's magazine, though I enjoy reading a lot of the ones you listed!

  2. I have a problem with magazines too. I don't keep them but I buy them like crazy. People is probably my favorite!

  3. I loooovvvveeee paper!!!
    and magazines.....
    mmmmmmmm yup!

  4. I adore Real Simple magazine, and also subscribe to Marie Claire because it was a great deal.

  5. Welcome to my world. You have to take one or two with you where ever you go and then casually leave them behind.
    The doctors office, on the bus, at the kids school. Make sure you take the address labels off so they don't come back to you. Have some in the back of the car and put them in the grocery cart as you return it to the cart corral.
    You are the "creative one" so I know you can do it.

  6. Magazines are pretty easy for me to throw in the recycling but I have a hard time resisting Mary Jane's Farm, Flea Market Style, and special editions of home decoration magazines and I occasionally pick up a paper craft or beading magazine. I really like Cloth Paper Scissors.

  7. I'm a complete magazine addict too - always have been! Martha is the one I wouldn't want to do without but I love Cooking Light, Travel & Leisure, Real Simple, & BH&G. I've never seen Mixing Bowl!!! Looks great - I'm looking for that next time I'm @ the store.

  8. OMG. Those are all my loves too. Especially paper and and cupcakes.

    As far as magazines, I love Better Homes and Garden and Do It Yourself. I've seriously had to pare down my subscription list. It was a little out of control.

  9. I cannot tell you how excited I am, madam. :3


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