Goodbye, July. Someone, please tell me how it's August already.
- Read a book. (Okay, I got half way through a really long one. Close enough?)
- Go to a yard sale or estate sale.
- Workout three days a week. (HA!)
- Make a garment bag. (Ummm... oops. I made some other things.)
- Make a new wreath. (Working on it now.)
- Try to make a ruffle shirt. (Can't bring myself to figure it out.)
- Make some wall art for the kitchen. (I've thought about it.)
Okay - let me make a case for myself on this crafting list, since it seems I didn't do much. I made a checkbook cover (two actually), a sunglasses case, a pincushion, a bag (which I haven't shared yet), some art (which I also haven't shared yet), some cupcake toppers, and crowns and shields for a birthday party. So even if my list isn't what I did, I did something. Right? :)
- Get a zucchini to grow! (I give up. It's hopeless. Maybe I'll share my poor garden with you all again soon. It's the saddest thing ever.)
Clearly, food is a priority in my life...
- Organize laundry room. (I still don't know what there is to organize in there...)
- Clean and organize closet. (Not even close. I made it worse.)
Around Town
- Visit a college with the little brother. (Seriously, how is he related to me? I was so much more on top of this college thing when I was his age. Disclaimer: No, I wasn't. I had no idea where I was going to college until the end of March before I graduated in May.)
- Help mom get ready for new school year. (Such good intentions...)

So, August, let's get to work...
Things for Kimberly
- Read a whole book.
- Watch two new movies.
- Plan out fall weekends. (For some reason, they're totally crazy.)
- Work out more often. (How's that for indecisiveness?)
- Figure out Birthday Weekend getaway.
- Finish summer wreath.
- Make large garment bag.
- Make Bible cover.
- Find/make art for kitchen.
- Make marker/crayon roll.
- Throw everything into a garbage bag, and admit to the fact I'm never going to be a gardener. At least not when all I can use are giant pots.
- Try two new recipes.
- Go to farmer's market.
- Try a new restaurant.
- Make something with my new food processor.
- Organize front closet.
- Organize and donate clothes.
- Look for buffet or sideboard for dining room area.
- Research recovering and refoaming couch.
Around Town
- Attend a baseball game.
- Go to a new store.
- Visit a community event.
- Help parents get organized at home. (School is about to start back.)
- Help parents get organized at home. (School is about to start back.)
- Start work on Little Brother's Halloween costume. (His marching band wears costumes for a Halloween show. Yes, he's 18 and dressing up for Halloween.)
- Make some Christmas gifts.
- Finish and mail cousins' graduation presents.
See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.
If you end up with a pile of magazines you want to pitch, send them my way. I'm always looking for new collage fodder.
I love the old list was added to the new.. lol Great list!
Its the summer - enjoy!
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