Friday, September 3, 2010

A Cush for Your Tush

I'm on a vacation of sorts, you see. I'm at my parents' house in north Alabama, hanging out for the next week. I'm doing some cleaning, some throwing-away-of-stuff, some organizing. I'm helping out by cooking a meal here and there, helping my brother with homework, etc. Being an all-around awesome daughter.

Now how have my parents rewarded me?


That is the sound of our patio cover being built - at 9 in the morning. You may think 9 a.m. is late in the morning, and you'd be wrong. Especially when you're on vacation - even if there isn't an ocean shore to be found.

Even the cat doesn't get it. She gives me these, "What is going on?!" looks every once in a while.

I'm waiting for a 2-by-4 to go through the glass in the French doors. That'll be lovely.

And here's today's football project... :) I'm going to my first football game of the season tonight! I'm so excited! GO WILDCATS!

I'm certain most of you have one of these around. (I even found one of my high school's in a Goodwill in Birmingham the other day. Kind of crazy.) Businesses or schools give out these seats for free - good advertisement, I suppose.

Well, I'm not a fan. At least, not when I can come up with a way to cover them. :)

There you have it - a slip cover for your stadium seat!

It's got a handle to carry it. It's even long enough you could almost put it on your arm if you need to.

And check this - PIPING! That's a first for me. And I'm so happy with how it turned out!

Now - who's ready for some football??? :)

Anyone want a tutorial?

Texas Monkey

See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.


  1. That is such a great makeover! I love your writing, too. The piping - wow, I am impressed, I can't even sew a seam. Be the most stylish diva at the game!

  2. great makeover, I bet there are tons of these in my mom's attic from highshcool!!!

  3. I love the fabric - it is so pretty and the blue piping is perfect.

  4. I'm more of a cycling fan myself, but that is one awesome cushion. I was just telling DH how awesome your cushion is with its handle and piping, even I'd sit through a football game if I could sit on that thing.

  5. Get out! That is too stinkin cute for a football stadium! Nice job!
    Just wanted to remind you that my Pretty Packages Party starts today...I'd love for you to stop by!

  6. What a fantastic idea. Love it. I know my parents have a few of these in their attic. I am so going to steal some.

    Love the added touch of piping. Great job for your first time.


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative