Monday, September 6, 2010

London Love Subway Art

I love subway art.

There, it's out. Phew! I feel better.

I was a little leery of it at first because 1) I wasn't sure if I would like it in my own house and 2) I wasn't sure I could pull it off.

But I did it. Because I love London. LOVE. (You may have also seen the Auburn art last week. I love Auburn, too.)

Side note: In this case, wouldn't it be called tube art? Since there is no subway; it's called the Tube or Underground. So maybe it's Underground Art.

Nahh... We'll stick with subway.

Instead of generally generic London streets, I chose to go with streets and addresses that meant something to me while I lived there - where I lived, where I interned, the roads I traveled most often.

Have you done subway art yet? I'd love to see it! Share a link in the comments.

Also - tomorrow, I'll have pictures of one I helped a friend do with streets and places in Melbourne, Australia. She just returned from a year and a half over there.

And on Wednesday - a tutorial!

See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.


  1. What a cool project! I love that it has special meaning to you, too.

  2. Spotted this at Shabby Chic Cottage and it's the fist subway art I can picture in my home. I love London too!

  3. You have created such wonderful subway art. For those who don't have time or need something in a hurry, check out
    Very affordable and customization and shipping is free.


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-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative