Thursday, July 1, 2010

Be Nice To Me, July

Raise your hand if you can't believe it's July. That's month #7. It's kind of like we're on the Wednesday evening of the week... (of months...).

Okay, that's a bad analogy.

But I can't believe it's July. Wow!

So that means we just put the finishing touches on June. Aaaannnddd... I didn't do too hot.

Things for Kimberly:
Read a book
Watch two new movies - Favorite: Toy Story 3!!!!
Attend a baseball game - Okay, technically it was the end of May, but good enough, right?
Plan a weekend trip to somewhere fun - Does it count that I talked about it?

Finish roommate's birthday present - Finished! See it here.
Make housewarming present for friend - I stink. I just bought them a nice bottle of wine. :(
Make a summer wreath - Does my Fourth of July wreath count? It's here.
Sew something - I totally did!!! Like here and here.
Paint some art

Make signs for herbs

Try a new recipe - Yummy recipes to come in the future!
Eat a vegetable I've never had before - Okay, I tried a fruit I had never tried before -- the fig!

Organize laundry room - uh, negative.
Organize pantry - not even close.
Set up desk - still a disaster.
Decorate dining room table - covered in Cricut and sewing scraps.

Around Town:
Try a new restaurant
Attend farmer's market every other weekend
Attend a Barons game

Go home for Father's Day
Take little brother to a college for a visit - Not my fault this isn't crossed off! I asked him to...
Research adopting a kitty - Can't afford it...

Now... I've got some catching up to do for July.

Things for Kimberly
- Read a book.
- Watch two new movies.
- Go to a yard sale or estate sale.
- Plan a short vacation.
- Workout three days a week.

- Make a garment bag.
- Make a new wreath.
- Try to make a ruffle shirt.
- Make some wall art for the kitchen.

- Get a zucchini to grow!

- Make homemade ice cream or sorbet.
- Try a new recipe.
- Try a new restaurant.

- Clean out magazines.
- Organize laundry room.
- Clean and organize closet. (Make a donation to Goodwill.)

Around Town
- Go to farmer's market.
- Visit a new church.

- Visit a college with the little brother.
- Help mom get ready for new school year.


See something you like? Print it. Share it. Email it. But please, link back here when you do.


  1. What a terrific idea to write things down like this. I am sure it is very motivating!

    Thanks so much for stopping by to comment on my outdoor pillows this week. I truly appreciate it!

    Have a marvelous holiday!

  2. Looks like you've already accomplished a bunch of items on your list! We have the most fabulous farmer's market a few blocks from my house and I NEVER go. It's on my list to do THIS WEEK! Lists are great, aren't they?

  3. fun post, I have been making lists like crazy because we are having company for 2 weeks, having a Southern tea, so I am making lists,lists and lists oh said that, actually crossed off a couple things....finally!!

  4. Glad you have a list, I haven't even started my list yet! It may be December! LOL

  5. Glad you have a list, I haven't even started my list yet! It may be December! LOL

  6. One thing to write it down, another to put it on you blog for everyone to see but good for you to being honest about not accomplishing it. I did that for my appetizers for our Christmas get together so that when I was on my blog when I should of have been cooking I had a reminder right in my face.


Thank you for visiting Attempting Creative! I loooove comments. Love. They make me feel good. :)

-Kimberly @ Attempting Creative